Apr 4, 2007

Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton shot a skit for the new MTV show "ShortCircuitz" which features Paris in a fake informercial selling "What Would Paris Do" bracelets.

Page Six reports:

"The action shifts from salesgirl Paris to "real-life" situations in which people look to their bracelets for advice. In one instance, a leggy blonde in a short skirt is busted for drunken driving. After checking her Hilton bracelet, she starts grinding on one of the cops as if he were a stripper pole. "I can't arrest you, you're too fabulous," says the officer. A few months ago, Hilton agreed to poke fun at herself and appear in the sketch, which was filmed at her house on Jan. 4, a source told Page Six."

Her lawyers threatened to sue MTV if the skit wasn't pulled from the premiere. This is what's probably going to happen. The skit won't air, but Paris will "leak" it herself and then make a big deal out of it and create more publicity for herself.

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