Aug 25, 2008

So Much Bills

Everywhere that you turn these days there is always some osrt of bills, aside for the regular utilities that I know we have to pay but sometimes Im like, I dont feel like it, but then you remember you sort of need it. Anyways, I was wondering just how much commercial collection agencies really makes? I am going to have to look that up and see what I can find, I would love to know.


I have always been thinking, what is a great to get into massage therapy schools? A frind of mines was talking about it today and how much she would love to do it for a living. I know that the pay is great but not too sure about how long it would take to startmaking that much. Sounds like an interesting job to get into.

Aug 14, 2008

Acne Treatments

At my age, I am still amazed that I still would need some sort of acne treatments. What is that about? No matter what I do , I still have acne and try the latest and best products that claim that they do this and that. Fortunatly, I found somehting that might actually work, I will update later with my findings, many peole have sworn this work so I am giving it a shot.

Aug 7, 2008

Baby Gifts

I love when one of my friends is expecting because we get to buy unique baby gifts that I am sure that no one else would get for the baby, they are not only unique but great as well and anyone would appreciate that you would get gifst for their baby. So i am off to see what I can get for her, she keeps asking me for a clue, I m not telling her of course.

Might be Relocating

So our family was talking about where we might want to go because Ny is just too expensive to live and make a life here. We are checking out Wilmington NC real estate and see n some beautiful homes there and give that a shot, since I work from home that should not be too bad for work wise, its all about adjusting and a change of scenery which I hae no problems with.