Jan 30, 2010

Moving to another State

I have always thought about leaving the state that I live in and going somewhere else, somewhere different for a change of scenery. One of the only things that bothers me is getting my stuff from one place to another so I would have to consider long distance movers or something to get around. I never knew that they would do this service for so cheap, I was afraid to even bother checking but it seems reasonable than trying to do it any other way.

Do Gift Cards Expire?

I have always wondered this because each year for christmas, I always get some type of gift card from family memebers and friends, and I always take a few months before I actually use them, thats is just how it always goes with me Plano porcelain veneers. But I have wondered if I take too long, do they expire? I found out that the major ones like Target, Walmart and Best Buy do not expire and I think the ones that do will have an expiration date on the back or something.

Jan 21, 2010

Kanye West, Snubbed

I guess that he has done so much damage that he is not wanted in most places. I head that Mr. Clooney did not invite him to the telethon that is being held to raise funds for haitit even though he heard that he wanted to help. He should pop displays and get his act together before he becomes black listed everywhere else.

Jan 20, 2010

About Hydroxycut

I have been reading about hydroxy cut reviews and learned alot about this product. I have mentioned about looking for the best product for me to help shed some unwanted pounds this year and stay fit. So fart I like the reviews and if you are interested, check it out on the site.

Jan 19, 2010

Weight Loss Pills that work

I could stand to lose a few more pounds to really look like that knockout I have always dreamed of, even though I am told I really don't need to, so I was wondering which are the best weight loss pills that work? Well this site gives a little insight to that question, that's where I am off too.

Optimum or Scripps?

Who is to blame as to why I currently cannot watch my food network as well as hdtv. I swear these were the only two channels that were interesting especially food network. I know time warner had problems but they worked it out with fox, optimu cant seem to make that deal with scripps, who is really to blame?

Health Plans in NC

Having a health plan is very important these days and I need to find out more about health insurance in NC for a friend who resides there and she needs a plan but never had the chance to look into it since she is always busy. I am always on her case about getting this done and she said do it for her....okay!

Any Safe Fat Burners?

Did you ever look at to see just how many fat burners there are on the market? But the question is which ones are safe? I don't know about the ones that you may have seen but I think that I am on to something and have found safe fat burners that actually works and is worth every penny. Give it a shot and see what you think.

Tragedy in Haiti

It is so sad to see how horrible the disaster in Haiti is right now. The media covers this story 24-7 and all we see is how helpless they are. You can donate to help out the people of haiti and help them because they can sure use it.

Acne Treatments

What is there that we can possibly do to take care of acne spot treatments? No need to worry because you will find out what causes it and what you can do to treat it. Once you know about it then we can better understand and take steps to heal and treat.

Jan 17, 2010

Do you know SEO?

I remember when I first started using the Internet and trying to get into writing and it was all about SEO. What the heck is that? I had to learn the hard way but you do not have to, you can use free seo tools to help you in that area and you will be glad to have it. I used and and got the hang of it and thank goodness it is free, other places try to charge you for doing the same thing!

Week In Review

So much has happened over the last past week. Most importantly is the disaster in haiti, how crazy is that? Where I live in brooklyn, so many people have family from there so its a little close to home to see how these people are worried about thier family members and not being able to contact them. All we can do is donate and pray.

Jan 8, 2010

Where to get Minka Aire

I was wondering what sites was carrying the Minka Aire ceiling fan brand. I was at home depot and someone was talking to me about it and how they were using that for their dining room and that I should as well because they make the best types. I found a site which has the brand and I must say, they look awesome.

Jan 5, 2010

How to Get in Shape for 2010

This year is the year for fitness and getting into shape like never before. So what if we have broken all of our other resolutions? Make this one count. I need to shed some pounds and I am doing so by investing in some sort of fitness equipment right away and I would suggest this to others if you want to be successful.

Can I get some sleep?

Please? My newborn is keeping me up all hours of the night and my hubby rarely does the night shift....anymore. These days my meals consist of coffee and coca cola, not healthy at all. Cant wait until months passes by when they are able to sleep more during the night..hopefully.

Jan 3, 2010

Dog Lovers

What is up with them?! There are people who love their dogs nd then there are others who are almost in love, kinda creepy. I mean they will save them before they save you and call them thier babies. I guess its understandable since its all they have, but if they start requiring life insurance rates for them, that is where I would draw the line and never talk to that person again.

New Year Goals

So like everyone else, I plan on setting goals and trying really hard to keep them. I want be a much better person to everyone and make a difference in peoples lives, no mater who they are, sounds cheesy I know! I'm starting to sound like something you get from Amazon books. But I have a great feeling for this year because I will learn from last years mistakes.

Happy new Year!

Wow so 2010 already huh? I wonder if everybody feels the same that 2009 has been just one big blur?! The days just fly by dont they? and then you realize that you are another year older, egh! Here is to making resolutions and breaking them the next day, haha!