Mar 31, 2011

Top Rated Antennas for Purchase

I found this site that has every digital tv antennas that you would need. My dad is planning on getting sattelite and we wanted to see what options we had antenna wise and who knew there were so many. Everything from indoor, outdoor and various uses. The best part is that the prices are so affordable.

Best Creams for Acne

I really hate having acne and I know that other people who suffer from it feels exactly the same. There are acne creams that are out there that can help us and help us look good and have clear skin again. With anything, before you use, make sure that you read everything about it before you make your purchases.

Celebrities going crazy

why is it that celebs are allowed to lose it in public or on other people? is it because they have alot of money? I would think so. Half the things that these people are doing, regular joes like us could not get away with. It is so funny.

Beach Body Cellulite

Ok I am a little slim but I find myself suffering from a little cottage cheese, also known as cellulite. Not a good look if I am trying to get a beach body for the summer of 2011. Luckily, there is cellulite treatment that I could use and have this problem dealt with, thank goodness for that because I really would feel self-concious if I could not do a thing about it.

Watching shows online

I love being able to watch my fave shows online and am glad that the networks allow this to happen on their sites. Our television is either off or controlled by some kids show, so for someone like myself, all I do is use the computer, this works out.

Mar 6, 2011

Take out Delivery Online

Find out which places around your neighborhood has take out food that can be delivered to your place. Just enter the information such as our address and see what you can have. This comes in handy when we are home and I do not feel like cooking and we want to decide what we want, pizza? Chinese? See who delivers and give them a call.

Should Married Couples have Single Friends

My hubby goes a little crazy when I ave m girls night out, some of my gal pals are not married and living the single life. Does this mean that I should not be friends with them? Will they be a bad influence on me? I admit they do not want to hear about the diapers and school or anything that has to do with a family life. I hear their stories and sexscapades and I am not envious t all.