Oct 20, 2008

Car Insurance

I am always hearing stories about people who dare drive without insurance mostly because they feel that some is just not affordable, have you tried getting a car insurance quote? By doing this it can help you can an idea about how you can expect to be paying depending on many aspect of your driving history. It really is the best way to get a ballpark estimate.

Phone Unlocked

I never knew what the purpose was of an unlocked phone until i needed one, oh my thank goodnes for those, I have one carrier but i wanted a phone from another carrier and thanks for that for that i can get the phone that i want because it is now unlocked. So now I am happy,I can make calls and al of that jazz and using a phone that is unlocked.

New Pc

Just bought a new pc and mainly because of the computer memory that I needed which is always good, that is the most important things I think, ram also the memory which helps in how fast it runs and I need that for easy start up and surfing the web and working, what would we do without it?

Costume Shopping

Well its about that time that we went looking and shopping for costumes, yes I said we because we all dress up for halloween and go trick or treating, we go to one of our faves store which is arty city, they really have some great things there and props to really help make a haunted house or just have a fun cool party. In my area there is only 3 locations of it that exist, luckily for us, each is only a hop skip and a jump away:)

Oct 6, 2008

Benefits of CLA

I just had such an interesting conversation with my brother, talking about CLA which is a fatt accid found in meats and dairy I think. He was going on and on about how its found in cows or something, he was just so into, I was really interested in why he felt so passionate about it, so weird! But anyways yeah, I know a little too much about it now.

Fall Already

Wow can you believe that its fall already?! I love it, the colors and everything is just so nice. So anyways, we are helping our friend revamping her home. We went to home depot and got so much crap such as and so many other supplies that we did not need right away, needless to say, we did not get much done, we were too busy enjoying the weather.