Oct 19, 2009

School Science Fair

I am always looking forward to the schools science fair for my kids especially as they get older. The reason for this is because as they get older, the projects get more interesting. This year we will use a cardboard display to display the thesis and all of that good stuff, cant wait!

Its almost time

So its almost about that time that the baby is due, wow where did the months go? There is still so much things that I need to get. I had a dream that as soon as I had the baby, I was ready to lose belly fat, isn't that weird, I mean like days after I was working out, maybe deep inside my mind this is what I was thinking and want. I don't think that I will be in much shape to want to do much as soon as the baby is here.

Oct 5, 2009

Kitchen Faucets

I know this may sound weird but I have always admired some of peoples kitchen faucets. Let me explain, just the ones that do not have the standard looking ones, you know the ones I mean, you can find them in almost any household I bet. That is why we go out of our way and get nice looking faucets that really does make a difference and stands out from the rest.