Mar 20, 2010

Testosterone Boosters

I wonder just how safe these testosterone boosters and from what I have read so far, many people, more than we can ever imagine, are using these with not problems. I think that it is great to have something like this for people who need it, if it helps and with no risk, even better.

Muscle Milk

I did not know much about this until I had a friend tell me about it and also sent me a link to read about muscle milk review. If you are interested and want to know what it is about and how it can help you, read the review, you never know, you just may like it. I love learning about new things everyday.

Father's Day Gifts

I know that it is a couple of months too early to think about it,but why not? dads are just as important as moms and they deserve to know it. I usually get something lame each year because I never know what to get but this time, I am eyeing some mens ties and I really think that they will enjoy it, especially if it is something that fits their style.

Mar 16, 2010

Spring Fever

I can not wait until it is officially spring! It has been crazy this winter and we all need some steady nice weather, I just hope that we do not go straight from winter to summer with nothing in between, it has happened before. I need to get some exterior shutters for our home, something that looks really classic and nice, something new but old if that makes sense. I cant wait because I love shopping for things around the house.

Celebrity Fit Club..How Real?

I watch celebrity fit club whenever I get a chance. I haven't watched a few seasons but this season with kfed and shar has peak my interest. I do think it was setup just for ratings, duh what else is new right? But these celebs, and I use the term very loosely, do not seem like they even care. Maybe they should read some xenadrine reviews if they are really interested in losing weight and keeping it off.

My, how blogger have changed

I love to see that blogger/google changes and it is always for the better? I do admit that for a free platform, you get loads of good features. i just realized that you can add pages, although you can do this on your own, so i guess this is for people whoa re not more familiar with it. But Kudos with making placing AdSense easier and all the little gadgets you add to make life a little easier.

Colon Cleanse and Weight Loss

I have learned that the two go hand in hand because many people have said that after getting a colon cleansing that they have felt better and also experienced weight loss. I think this is so awesome. I am already interested in this because could you imagine years of putting all this food that we eat in our bodies and i think a cleanse is a great way to start the process of losing weight and feeling great.

Always Feeling Hungry

There are times when I feel hungry, even after I finish eating a meal or a snack, not long after, i am hungry again! Why is that? i know that this does not help with my weight loss goal, I hate it that this happens. I have been reading about natural appetite suppressants and how they work, I will definitely give that a try, I need to control my hunger more often.

Tween Birthday Theme Ideas

I am currently helping my fiend who has a tween son plan a bday party but the only thing is we can not come up with a theme, what do they like at that age? Is pokemon even cool anymore? Bakugan?How about something superhero-ish like a spider Man theme? I think that was done years ago, oh man this is tough, I hope it wont be this hard when my boys get older, yikes!