Sep 19, 2010

Acne Remedies

many people suffer from acne, some are more lucky than others and can actually get help in clearing it up but did you know that there are homemade acne remedies that can actually help you? I think that if you have tried all that there is out there, why not try this, it would not hurt. I love finding out info like this and passing it along to others in the effort to hep them, if they help you let others know.

Big Brother Audition

My friends think that I should audition since they are accepting for the next season.I am a huge fan of the show and would love to participate but I don't think that I could handle it. I know how much that I criticise everything that everyone does, its hard not to, and I could not handle it myself. But if I want to push myself to the limit, I should participate in this one in a lifetime opportunity and see what happens.

Reasons for Hair Loss

I have seen and heard about hair loss in men and in women but the question is what is the real reasons for hair loss? Do you ever wonder what causes this? From what I gather it can be caused by many things including genetics as well as what is going on in your life, in other words, stress. I love reading about problems such as these because it can really happen to anyone at any age.

Diet Pills that Work?

Ever wondered which are the best working diet pills and how they have actually helped many lose weight? go to the site do your research and see which ones work for you. I can honestly say that I have had success and some do work. I always try to keep my weight at a certain level because I am afraid of being over weight, who isn't? So check them out and make your choice.

Back to School Shoes

I already shopped for shoes and sneakers for my kids an now I am seeing more deals online for Supra shoes and sneakers which I think looks great. I love getting shoes for my kids as well as myself, you can never go wrong. Everyone needs them for different occasions, why not get them online at a great price.

Marriage and Finanaces

This is a question that always seems to come up when I talk to my friends who are both married and single and it is always interesting to hear all sides of what they think it should be like. There are some that think that the wife should just stay home and the man brings home the bacon, also where both parties work and balance. I can see plus and minus for both sides. I think that it should be a mutual agreement on how things should go and make sure that both parties are happy about the arrangement.

Sep 3, 2010

Being Germ Free

I am one of those people who carry around hand sanitizers and put someone every time I touch any type of door knobs and I notice that I a not the only one. When did we become so paranoid and develop this OCD of thinking everything is germ ridden. How many people are actually washing their hands and doing everything to make sure that they do their part on keeping clean? This is one habit that is not going away, even though a place may look clean, you just never know.

Furniture Covers

I personally think that furniture covers are so important especially patio furniture covers. I have seen people leave their furniture pieces uncovered all year long and have problems getting the pile up gunk and god knows what else out of it. If you value your furniture, you would do the same and get the covers for them, they last longer this way and also protected.

Walmart Addict

Who isn't addicted to wal-mart is what I want to know? Every weekend I find myself shopping there from the little things to big stuff. You can basically get anything and everything there, I love it and i also hate it. Many of the people there are not exactly normal looking or friendly, its so amusing.