Apr 21, 2007

Hacked Myspace.Lindsay, Paris

Lindsay Lohan's MySpace and e-mail accounts were allegedly hacked earlier this week. Shanna Moakler wanted a little bit of the action and posted this on her MySpace yesterday in response to her account being hacked back in January:

and since there are 2 little girls with to much time on their hands and no one to love them....id like to share my "hacked" info as well. ive tried to disassociate myself from both these parties for some time now and like a fungus they wont go away.

Paris Hilton: princessph@mycingular.blackberry.net

djllohan@tmail.com ( cause we like to pretend we are people we will never be talented enough to be)

Lindsey Lohan: labellavita7@tmo.blackberry.net

Here is the link to the message: Here

Oh and I called the number, it is paris, if anyone was interested:/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is too funny.