Apr 2, 2007

Crazy Lady By the name of Nona

Nona Paris Lola Jackson claims that she is the baby momma of three of Michael Jackson's kids. The London-based crazy has filed papers in Los Angeles asking for shared-custody. Debbie Rowe is named on the birth certificate of Prince Michael I, Paris Michael and Prince Michael II (Blanket). Nona said, "Debbie's hospital records will prove that my kids are not hers because of DNA. I gave birth through the means of water birth because I am technically an herbalist."

Yes.......and Nona also claims she's the mother of Zahara, knows the cure for Cancer and that her vagina is the fountain of eternal youth.

1 comment:

The Randomness said...

lol I am mad at the shirt first of all and secondly whoever allowed her to file those papers needs a serious spanking...because they are naughty. Just when I thought I had seen all the pretzel...ummm i mean nut heads