Jan 11, 2007

Scarlett Johansson breaks up Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz

Us Weekly claims Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz split because Justin went behind Cameron's back to cast Scarlett Johansson to be in his $1 million music video even though Scarlett has a crush on him.

"Scarlett has always liked Justin. They've always had a flirtation - that's why Cameron was threatened by her." With good reason. The decision to cast the 20-year-old as the video vixen pushed Timberlake's relationship with Diaz to the breaking point, and paved the way for Johansson to move in for the kill. "She could not believe he went behind her back to put her in the video," says a Timberlake pal. "Cameron was very jealous of Scarlett." Adds the source, "they definitely got together after she did the video."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought Justin went the other way? Not that I care, Scarlett is hot, Cameron too...I think Cameron would be a lot more interesting though, alas at a web site called Celebrity Match, I found that Halle Barre is my match, I'm still waiting for her to call.LOL