Jan 26, 2007

Lindsay Lohan Keeps Body Parts In The Freezer

Lindsay Lohan reportedly keeps her appendix in her freezer because she was so worried it would end up being sold on eBay she asked the hospital staff if she could take it home. Additionally, her friend Kimberly Stewart is trying to get her to auction it off for charity herself.


Anonymous said...

Normally, I would not be surprised. Being somewhat of a whore, she does sell herself on a semi-regular basis.

Of course, that was until the recent rash of these retards giving everything away for free. She cares as much about charity as she does about becoming a decent actress.

Just another attempt to dethrone Michael Jackson on the creepily odd side of celebrity news.

Anonymous said...

Oh honey can you get me some frozen yogurt in the freezer under my appendix.....WTF