Feb 10, 2012

Crime Dramas

Written by Sonny Quinn

I have direct Tv at home and I watch way more crime dramas than you would think someone sane would. I’m not just talking about CSI I’m talking about Medium and Criminal Minds and everything in between. I just don’t know why I’m so obsessed with these shows but I think it has something to do with the fact that I always wanted to be a police officer but never did. I think it’s so much fun trying to solve a crime and I know that at the end of the day I would make a really good police officer. I think my husband thinks I’m crazy because I watch so many of these shows and some of them are actually kind of gory but you know, that’s just something they do to draw in more viewers. I could do without the blood but I have to say it does make it a whole lot more realistic at the end of the day and that’s okay with me, you know? That’s what I like.

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