Feb 23, 2011

My DIY chore chart

My DIY chore chart

Thanks for the guest post by Esteban Vinson

Basically the only time when my husband and I argue is when we're trying to figure out who's turn it is to take out the trash and do other unpleasant household chores. We're both forgetful so we both forget to do stuff and then like to blame each other for not doing the work. So I thought that one way I could help keep peace in the household in 2011 was to make a New Year's resolution to make a chore chart for us and stick to it.

I went online to try and find an idea about how to make one because I love doing crafts and thought that I could put one together that's cute and goes with our kitchen, which is where we wanted to hang it. Whiel I was doing that I found some Broadband Plans online and ordered one of them for our household.

I'm so proud of the DIY magnetic chore chart that I put together. It really is adorable and I left a little room at the bottom so we can add names once we decide to expand our family.

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