Mar 9, 2008

Britney Spears is Stalked

I am sure many of you guys have heard about this in the media but let me tell you about something else, a great getaway in Branson, Missouri. When you hear about Missouri I am sure that you like me and think that there is not much to do there, but trust me, you will have a blast because they do not call it the Live Music Capital of the World for nothing. On the site you can find great vacation packages and get great delas depending on how many people are traveling. I love the family package and its a great deal considering what is being offered. Just go there and fill out your informationa nd take it from there. I showed my kids some of the fun stuff that we could do and they got a kick out of the thought of water rides, caves and shopping! If you want to make memories for you and your family, I would start at

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