Jan 16, 2008

New Maytag DishWasher

Since it is a new year, I think that it is time for a new dishwasher. I am in need of one bad. My SIL has a great maytag dishwasher and she was telling me about it, but I like to see something before I make a purchase. So I saw the make of the maytag dishwasher and I loved it right off the bat! It fits my style to the max.

SO I went online to read more about my soon to be owned maytag dishwasher and I have to let DH know this is what he is getting me, lol. So I showed it to hom and guess what....he thinks we should get it as well. Can you feel the joy that I am radiating?


THW said...

Isn't it strange the things we start to wish for as we get older? When I was younger I never understood how people could be so excited to win appliances on the Price is Right, but now I'd nearly wet myself if someone offered me a new washer/dryer. Especially if it was front loading. Ooh lah lah!

NC said...

Gosh, you are so right about that!! I am afraid of what I might want later on in life....support hose, perhaps?