Sep 2, 2007

Larry Birkhead and Howard K. Stern were Lovers

Yes, the latest celebrity gossip rumor is based around a new tell-all about Anna Nicole Smith from former MSNBC journalist Rita Cosby. It alleges - make sure you’re sitting down for this - that Howard K. Stern and Larry Birkhead were secret gay lovers.

The book, “Blonde Ambition: The Untold Story Behind Anna Nicole Smith’s Death” describes a brief tryst between Stern and Birkhead. Jackie Hatten, described as a friend of Anna Nicole’s, claims she found Stern and Birkhead with shirts off and pants around their ankles, engaged in the Antonella Barba special.

Stern’s lawyer called the book “false and defamatory.”

1 comment:

Quick said...

if this is true, a lot of things would start to make sense