Jun 16, 2007

Update On Adraker

Adraker was one of the best ptr on the internet, many members already knows this. It really was easy money. It seems that there was a death of the CEO, Mr. thomson and they announced that they were selling the site to another, but not to worry because our earnings will still be intact. well it is days later and...nothing. Many of us gave up and many that was calling it a scam is still saying so, mainly becaus so many bought slots using paypal. Some have taken it upon themselves to contact paypal and see what they can do. I will update when I can.


Ataa'ullah said...

Hi, I'm was thinking of doing chargeback as Adraker should at least have the courtesy to send all members an email update. But i dont want to be too hasty just yet, in case i lose out if i request paypal chargeback

NC said...

Well, many are still waiting to see what happens, I say wait another week, then you can see what you can do next. It really is sad, but stuff like this happens. I will keep you updated on further news