Feb 8, 2007

Anna NIcole Smith Is Dead

Anna Nicole Smith was transported to Memorial Regional Hospital in Hollywood, Florida just after 2pm after she collapsed at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. She was found unresponsive in her hotel room and CPR was performed on her and a breathing apparatus was inserted into her throat. Local streets were closed off to rush her to the hospital and paramedics were seen pumping her chest as she was taken to the hospital.Anna Nicole Smith is officially dead at the age of 39. According to police reports, she was already dead when she was found in her hotel room.


zandperl said...

Wow, I'm going to have to check this out on the news!

Anonymous said...

Sad. With all those people around her, you would think someone would have at least tried to take care of her. She was a mess and needed help. It's too bad she didn't get it, she died way too young.

Anonymous said...

really bizarre