Jul 16, 2006

Best Advice on saving Money

Cook your own meals. I used to spend a fortune going out to eat. An added bonus is that you will have a healthier diet, too.
Before you start cutting expenses by trying to change your current habits, evaluate the places you can save money without making any lifestyle changes. I know that sounds a little strange, but there are a number of places you can save money without changing a single thing you do. For example, shop around for a better rate on your care insurance. If you are able to save $50 a month over what you are currently paying, that puts and extra $600 a year into your pocket without changing a single thing you are currently doing. Do the same with your house insurance, car insurance house mortage and the savings can really start ot amount to big numbers and you haven't had to change your lifestyle in the least bit. Most people can save enough in these areas to start paying off their debt...and you are much more likey to succeed if you aren't forced make lifestyle changes you really don't want to make.

And this is where being frugal comes in.....i know.To be frugal, you have to make a commitment. You can't simply be frugal once a month and see results. You have to train yourself to be frugal in every situation. You have to make it a part of your daily routine. Look for ways to recycle and cut waste and spending.The one secret that will keep you frugal lies in setting goals. Once you have identified what you want to achieve, it will be easier to be frugal. You are working towards something. Make a budget and track the things you do that are making your dreams reality.

Answer these questions:
What if you lost your job tomorrow?
What if you were injured and could never work again?
What if you lost all of your investments?
Are you able to survive to live as you are right now?
These are tough questions. You need to work to have answers for them. Living frugally will give you the security you need.

well this is it for now....Take care!!!

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