Jun 25, 2007

Rosie Says No Thanks

Rosie O'Donnell posted a video on her blog answering about why she turned down the offer to be the host of "The Price is Right" Rosie said, :

"Here's the thing. I don't really need a job. I'm in a weird position. I don't need the money. But I'm just saying I don't. So to get my entire family uprooted from their lives and move them across the country so that I can have a fantasy childhood indulgence job just doesn't seem fair."

"If they were able to do it in New York it would be a different story. But it looks like it ain't gonna happen."

It's a very sad day when we live in a place where someone like Rosie doesn't have to work because she has more than enough money to last her several lifetimes. Crap

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