Feb 7, 2007

OJ Simpson's "hypothetical" confession not accurate enough

OJ Simpson claims that when he was offered the chance to write "If I Did It" he told the publisher he wished it would never come out because it made him look guilty and it didn't accurately reflect how he actually would've done it. He tells the Palm Beach Post:

"I hope this book never comes out. It made it look too much like an admission of guilt. I wasn't happy with the hypothetical paragraphs. A ghostwriter wrote the whole thing, and I OK'd it. But there were a lot of inaccuracies about the case and about how I would have done things. But I figure I'd let it go since I didn't kill anyone." Was he surprised that the public was so outraged by news of the book? "I don't care," Simpson told the paper. "I got paid just the same."

So basically he didn't like the hypothetical murder book because it wasn't accurate enough. I mean, really? That's the story we're going with, OJ? He should just write "I'm innocent" on a bunch of knives and walk down the street sticking them into strangers.

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