Jun 26, 2008

Music While Working

I noticed that almost everyone had MP3 players so I finally got one and guess what? I love it! It makes life easier especailly when I am working out or even while I am working ding something that does not require that much of my attention. Also makes blocking out outside noises a breeze. Why did I take so long to get one of these?

Cufflinks and Style

I remember when I bought my dad a pair of gold cufflinks, I think it was for fathers day or his birthday, anyways he still brags about it because he swears its the most awesome gift I got him! I mean hello? I have bought this fellow dvd players and brand new gps but the cufflinks he loves, go figure.

Loving My Laptop

I dont know about you guys, but I love using my laptop when I surf the web and even when I do my work from home. It is so much better than a desktop in my opinion simply because it is so much easier to relax and adjust to your comfort. I swear as soon as I got mines, I never looked back, occasionally I would use my desktop but I always use the laptop for all purposes.

Home Makeover

I love giving my home a constant makeover, why because I get bored easily and getting things done to the house is my way of therapy, I love the feeling I get once everything is done the way I want it to look like. We are looking into vessel sinks as another addition to what we want to get and install. Its fun, you should try it, even if it is just rearranging little things around the house.

Great Getaway

I need a vacation getaway and now. I was looking at Hilton Head rentals and they look like exactly where I want to be. I am thinking that I should go either by myself or with the family. But I am leaning towards going by myself, just want some peace and quiet. Sometimes we need a little me vacation tim dont ya think?

Jun 15, 2008

Jessica Simpson Shirt

Honestly, Depending on who you talk to, Jessica Simpsons shirt may have different many different meanings. Good or bad, When I first saw it, I thought what a very naughy thing to say, naughty girl! My frind instantly said hse thought she was a vegan, interesting, I wonder what peta have to say about this, they cant be too happy, they hardly ever are. I want to give them handcrafted jewelry, maybe they will lighten up? No, okay who cares about peta.

Jun 12, 2008

Ashanti's Video Stirs Things

Many people are outraged by her video. The new video for the singer’s ‘The Way That I Love You’, which can be viewed below, shows images of blood splattered walls and a knife dripping with blood, and gives the impression that Ashanti killed her lover by stabbing him to death.

On her website, readers can sign a friend up to ‘punk their ass’, which will send said friend an email stating, ‘Your life may be in danger’, with links to a fake news website and a video that claims, "Police are investigating a string of violent attacks and searching for the possible next victim."

I have nothing against the way she chose to express the character in the video, afterall it is just a character, people need to lighten up. Orovo detox

Jun 6, 2008

Hayden Panettiere and Candies Ad

Here is the latest for the candies ad. I love those ads but something about the way they promote the ads just seems a little off? I mean I love the stuff and the celebs look great, just sometimes it looks a little too friendly if you catch my drift.

Jun 1, 2008

Store Products Not Working

I swear most of these products do not do whatthey promise, I need some natural acne treatments that will really help. I tell you guys, stick with the real stuff because the others will make it worst, there is nothing like natural stuff that is pure and good for your face or wherever. Lesson learned. Dont expect a before and after picture, just not going to happen.

Jobs in Boston

I often wondered if there were that many available jobs in Boston.You always here about lack of jobs elswhere other than NY, why is that? I paint a picture in my head that everyone is looking for something and anything to do in boston. Is that just naive me? I guess so, I dont really hear them bostonians complaining, or am I just not paying attention?